M2.1 midterm review
On Tuesday 6. December our students presented their work of the first ACT of our M2 studio „the architect changemaker“. During 6 weeks 3 groups of students investigated the quarries of the Euregio Region, where Aachen belongs to. They visited in total 12 Quarries in Province Liège, Province Limbourg and Cityregion Aachen and brought back an enormous amount of stone, gravel, sand, clay and other minerals.
In two workshops that took place at BC materials production site in Brussels they developed prototype materials that will now in ACT 2 be used in different types of earth construction such as in-situ and prefabricated rammed earth as well as compressed earth bricks. Phillipp Hoppe from lehmlabor and RWTH Aachens Chair for building construction contributed his knowledge as a guest critique during the review.
We are curious to see the students material prototype developing into a building material in ACT 2!