BC stands for Brussels Cooperation. It includes BC architects and BC studies and BC materials. Its specific trajectory illustrates how it has grown over the last 10 years as an organic organisation, embedded within place and people. Created in 2012 as a hybrid office, BC is questioning the boundaries of architecture in a do-ers manner. With three different legal entities, the team engages in a variety of experimental projects through which it designs bio-regional and circular architecture, researches educational and construction processes and produces new building materials by using local waste streams such as excavated earth.

Laurens Bekemans Co-founder BC I Junior Professor
is the junior professor of Act of Building since March 2022. Bekemans is an architect and co-founder of the Brussels-based practices BC architects & studies and BC Materials. He was lecturer from 2013 to 2022 at the Faculty of Architecture of KULeuven (Belgium) and visiting lecturer at the German University of technology (Oman) from 2016 to 2017.

Theresa Zschäbitz BC architects I Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin I Research Associate
is a junior architect and collaborator at Brussels-based BC architects & studies and Research Associate at the act of building junior professorship — she studied at RWTH Aachen where she graduated in February 2022 as a Master of Science with international Honors, as well as at Paris Val-de-Seine and at KU Leuven Sint Lucas Campus in Brussels. She has gained experience in teaching as a tutor for design studios and modelmaking labs at AiB Bonn and iu university during her studies and has worked in several offices like kadawittfeld Architektur in Aachen as well as Gonzalez Haase AAS and Tanja Linke Architekten in Berlin.

Ken De Cooman Co-founder BC I Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter I Research Associate
is a philosopher and architect and co-founder of BC Architects & Studies and BC Materials and Research Associate at the act of building junior professorship. He holds a Masters in Philosophy and Architecture, and a Candidate in Psychology; Ken De Cooman has taught at EiABC, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia and KULeuven and UHasselt, Belgium. He has reflected on architectural practice and material culture in OASE, Domus, Archined and others.

Nicolas Coeckelberghs Co-founder BC
is an architect / earth builder and co-founder of BC Architects & Studies and BC Materials. He holds a Master in Architecture and a Postmaster in earthen architecture from CRAterre, France. In 2018 and 2019, he was a visiting lecturer at the German University of Technology (GUtech) in Oman and since 2016 he has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture at UHasselt, Belgium.

Jasper Van Der Linden BC materials
is an architect and collaborator of BC materials – he studied at KUleuven where he graduated magna cum laude in the international master of architecture, as well as studies in Istanbul and Buenos Aires. For BC materials and BC studies, he is in charge of the sensibilisation, organising lectures and workshops around earth and bio-based materials. He also teaches within the postgraduate Building Beyond Borders at UHasselt, and collaborates with a variety of (inter-)national universities to organize educational workshops. He will now also share this experience in form of two electives at RWTH Aachen.

Lea Magdalena Scholz Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant
is student assistant at the Act of Building junior professorship at RWTH Aachen University since September 2024. After completing her Bachelor’s degree (B. Sc.) in 2021 at RWTH Aachen, she studied for a semester in Alcalá de Henares, Spain at the UAH as part of an Erasmus stay. Afterwards she interned for half a year at an architecture office in Viersen. Besides studying her Master’s degree (since 2021) she continued working for the architectural office remotely.

Hanna Obereiner Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant
is a student assistant at the Act of Building junior professorship at RWTH Aachen University since April 2025. After completing her Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) in 2022 at RWTH Aachen, she interned for half a year in Vienna before returning back to the RWTH for the Master’s degree (since 2023). Alongside her studies she also works in an architecture studio in Aachen and is part of the planning of the student career event “Building Relations”.

Hannah Lemler Hilfswissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter I Research Assistant
is research assistant at the Act of Building junior professorship at RWTH Aachen University since September 2023. After completing her Bachelor’s degree (B. Sc.) in 2020 at RWTH Aachen, she studied for a semester in Barcelona at the ETSAV as part of an Erasmus stay. Afterwards she interned for a year at an architecture cooperative in Barcelona. Besides studying her Master’s degree (since 2020) she works for the Reiff International Office too.

Felipe Barrera Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant
is a student assistant at the Act of Building junior professorship at RWTH Aachen University since October 2023. Felipe has been studying Architecture (B.Sc.) at RWTH Aachen since 2020. During this time, he has also spent a semester studying in Madrid at the UPM and works remotely for an architecture studio in Rio de Janeiro.

Josua de Fallois Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant
is a student assistant at the Act of Building junior professorship at RWTH Aachen University since October 2023. Josua has been studying Architecture (B.Sc.) at RWTH Aachen since 2020. During this time, he has also spent a semester studying at UPV Valencia.

Johanna Fels Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant
is a student assistant at the Act of Building junior professorship at RWTH Aachen University since April 2023. Johanna has been studying Architecture (B.Sc.) at RWTH Aachen since 2019. During this time, she has also spent a semester studying in Lausanne at the EPFL and interned at an architecture office in Berlin.

Kata Götz Sekretariat I Secretary
Kata Götz has studied Language Sciences in Hungary. Since then she worked for different big companies in Rotterdam, NL and in several cities in Germany, before she started working at RWTH in 2021. Next to her employment at our new junior professorship she also working in the department of Architecture Theory with Prof. Axel Sowa in the same position.
previous members
Hannah Lemler Hilfswissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin I Research Assistant
Felipe Barrera Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant
Josua de Fallois Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant
Johanna Fels Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant
Lea Knoch Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant
Henning Storch Hilfswissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter I Research Assistant
Finn Marcelli Studentische Hilfskraft I Student Assistant