STEG Paludi Prototype

Study programme: M.Sc. Architecture
Module: 1,5, 30 students in teams
Semester: summer 25
Teachers: Theresa Zschäbitz, guests
Registration: via RWTHonline

supervised by Theresa Zschäbitz and Quentin Bourguignon
Field trip to Station Scientifique Hautes Fagnes, Université de Liège

In preparation for our WF.M Paludi Pavilion construction at “Altes Wasserwerk” site in Malchin, between Berlin and Rostock, in a wetland area, we are investigating in this Stegreif cladding techniques with biofibres all based on superlocal Paludi (wetland) materials such as willow and grass by 1:1 Prototyping.

We will observe and test by Making how façade cladding can be made from Grass, Willow and Reed. In order to use locally available resources, we will not prototype from the northern German wetlands resources but from those we find in the local wetland: the High Venn, just across the border from Aachen in Belgium. The history of exploitation of the wetlands and why wetland rewettening, as well as the rediscovery of wetland resources as construction materials, will be discussed on a day-trip to the High Venn, where we will also collect raw material for our Prototypes. The Prototypes of 50x100cm surface will be built from a simple wooden substructure in groups of 2-3 students and clad with the found material following a Thatching-insprired pattern-technique that will be designed by the students, taking different hairstyles as inspiration. You can also sign up for the WF.M Paludi Pavilion workshop to finally apply the explored techniques in a larger Project, but the Stegreif also works separately from the WF.M. The Stegreif outcome is a. The 1:1 Prototype b. documentation of preliminary research + a set of drawings following a Template.

We will gather for three moments, the task will be fulfilled in between in a timespan of 4 weeks in groups of 2-3 students.

1. Introduction event: handout task
2. site visit and material collection in the Hautes Fagnes wetland area (reachable by public transport from Aachen)
Then: self-organized construction of the Prototype, please make sure you have access to the Faculties wood workshop
3. the final review of our Stegreif: The Stegreif students will present their Prototypes in the ReiffGarden, we will together evaluate which design works best and should be applied to the Pavilions of the WF.M in Malchin. The date will be communicated, the students of the WF.M will be present as they will build a larger scale pavilion with the patterns you explored!

Total estimation of costs: max. 100 euro total (travel for the site visit and raw material: wood)
Location: aob chair + Hautes Fagnes Station Scientifique Hautes Fagnes, Université de Liège, Rte de Botrange 137, 4950 Waimes
kick-off : Wednesday 16th April, hour will be communicated
The course type is a seminar within the „Stegreif Master“ with 1,5 CP (corresponding to around 45 hours of workload for the students (contact + self-study) for max. 30 students.

Wetlands and Construction: An opportunity for Berlin-Brandenburg, 2023

STEG Paludi Prototype

Study programme: M.Sc. Architecture
Module: 1,5, 30 students in teams
Semester: summer 25
Teachers: Theresa Zschäbitz, guests
Registration: via RWTHonline

supervised by Theresa Zschäbitz and Quentin Bourguignon
Field trip to Station Scientifique Hautes Fagnes, Université de Liège

In preparation for our WF.M Paludi Pavilion construction at “Altes Wasserwerk” site in Malchin, between Berlin and Rostock, in a wetland area, we are investigating in this Stegreif cladding techniques with biofibres all based on superlocal Paludi (wetland) materials such as willow and grass by 1:1 Prototyping.

We will observe and test by Making how façade cladding can be made from Grass, Willow and Reed. In order to use locally available resources, we will not prototype from the northern German wetlands resources but from those we find in the local wetland: the High Venn, just across the border from Aachen in Belgium. The history of exploitation of the wetlands and why wetland rewettening, as well as the rediscovery of wetland resources as construction materials, will be discussed on a day-trip to the High Venn, where we will also collect raw material for our Prototypes. The Prototypes of 50x100cm surface will be built from a simple wooden substructure in groups of 2-3 students and clad with the found material following a Thatching-insprired pattern-technique that will be designed by the students, taking different hairstyles as inspiration. You can also sign up for the WF.M Paludi Pavilion workshop to finally apply the explored techniques in a larger Project, but the Stegreif also works separately from the WF.M. The Stegreif outcome is a. The 1:1 Prototype b. documentation of preliminary research + a set of drawings following a Template.

We will gather for three moments, the task will be fulfilled in between in a timespan of 4 weeks in groups of 2-3 students.

1. Introduction event: handout task
2. site visit and material collection in the Hautes Fagnes wetland area (reachable by public transport from Aachen)
Then: self-organized construction of the Prototype, please make sure you have access to the Faculties wood workshop
3. the final review of our Stegreif: The Stegreif students will present their Prototypes in the ReiffGarden, we will together evaluate which design works best and should be applied to the Pavilions of the WF.M in Malchin. The date will be communicated, the students of the WF.M will be present as they will build a larger scale pavilion with the patterns you explored!

Total estimation of costs: max. 100 euro total (travel for the site visit and raw material: wood)
Location: aob chair + Hautes Fagnes Station Scientifique Hautes Fagnes, Université de Liège, Rte de Botrange 137, 4950 Waimes
kick-off : Wednesday 16th April, hour will be communicated
The course type is a seminar within the „Stegreif Master“ with 1,5 CP (corresponding to around 45 hours of workload for the students (contact + self-study) for max. 30 students.

Wetlands and Construction: An opportunity for Berlin-Brandenburg, 2023