supervised by Theresa Zschäbitz and Quentin Bourguignon of BC architects
in collaboration with Atelier Fanelsa, TU Munich, Greifswald Moorzentrum and bauhaus earth
The course includes a one week workshop at “Altes Wasserwerk” site in Malchin, Turnpl. 12, 17139 Malchin, Germany, between Berlin and Rostock, in a wetland area. The participants will come for one week 25.5. – 30.5. (not the Weiße Woche!) to Malchin and will work in groups with wood and biofibres all based on superlocal Paludi (wetland) materials such as birch, willow, grass…
The design consists of 3 small pavilions that together shape an outdoor stage for the “Moortheater” of the Old Wasserwerk that slowly turns into a cultural institution. The Pavilions are prototyping different Paludi (=from the wetlands) materials and the capacity of thatching and cladding facades with them. The design was worked out by aob and Atelier Fanelsas teaching and research unit at TU Munich with whose students we will construct the Pavilions together. The whole design will be presented during the Introduction event at the beginning of the se,mester (date tba) and discussed more in detail at the review of the Stegreif design, that in preparation of the construction week tests cladding techniques in advance. You can learn in this self-building workshop how to work with wood by professionals of BC and how to build thatched roofs based on local bio-based materials by professional thatchers. This is a very hands on workshop so be ready to get dirty, use your muscles and handling tools!
Previously to the workshop week we ask the students to join:
1. Introduction event: handout task + organisational framework
2. the final review of our Stegreif: The Stegreif students will present their cladding materials Prototypes in the ReiffGarden, we can together evaluate which design works best and should be applied to the Pavilions of the WF in Malchin. The date will be communicated. If you want to join the preliminary research we recommend to sign up for the STEG Paludi Prototype too.
You will be mixed during the construction week with a group of TU Munich students guided by Atelier Fanelsa.
in collaboration with Atelier Fanelsa, TU Munich, Greifswald Moorzentrum and bauhaus earth
A campsite closeby Gut Schwarpzow Scharpzower Dorfstraße 19, 17139 Malchin, Germany and food for meals is provided and will be placed close to the site and shared with the TU Munich students group. You can either camp or stay in a guest family. Travel to and from Malchin has to be organised by the students themselves, therefor we suggest to book trains in advance to avoid high prices.
We are very happy to have the chance to build those 3 small pavilions with you and hope to find a motivated group of Aachen students for these construction weeks with our partners!pavilions with you and hope to find a motivated group of Aachen students for these construction weeks with our partners!
Total estimation of costs: 200 euro (travel and accommodation self-organized)
Food: organised by the Wasserwerk organization
Location: “Altes Wasserwerk” site in Malchin, Turnpl. 12, 17139 Malchin, Germany
kick-off: Wednesday 16th April, hour will be communicated
The course type is a seminar within the „Wahlmodul Master“ with 3 CP (corresponding to around 90 hours of workload for the students (contact + self-study) for max. 15 students.
Wetlands and Construction: An opportunity for Berlin-Brandenburg, 2023
supervised by Theresa Zschäbitz and Quentin Bourguignon of BC architects
in collaboration with Atelier Fanelsa, TU Munich, Greifswald Moorzentrum and bauhaus earth
The course includes a one week workshop at “Altes Wasserwerk” site in Malchin, Turnpl. 12, 17139 Malchin, Germany, between Berlin and Rostock, in a wetland area. The participants will come for one week 25.5. – 30.5. (not the Weiße Woche!) to Malchin and will work in groups with wood and biofibres all based on superlocal Paludi (wetland) materials such as birch, willow, grass…
The design consists of 3 small pavilions that together shape an outdoor stage for the “Moortheater” of the Old Wasserwerk that slowly turns into a cultural institution. The Pavilions are prototyping different Paludi (=from the wetlands) materials and the capacity of thatching and cladding facades with them. The design was worked out by aob and Atelier Fanelsas teaching and research unit at TU Munich with whose students we will construct the Pavilions together. The whole design will be presented during the Introduction event at the beginning of the se,mester (date tba) and discussed more in detail at the review of the Stegreif design, that in preparation of the construction week tests cladding techniques in advance. You can learn in this self-building workshop how to work with wood by professionals of BC and how to build thatched roofs based on local bio-based materials by professional thatchers. This is a very hands on workshop so be ready to get dirty, use your muscles and handling tools!
Previously to the workshop week we ask the students to join:
1. Introduction event: handout task + organisational framework
2. the final review of our Stegreif: The Stegreif students will present their cladding materials Prototypes in the ReiffGarden, we can together evaluate which design works best and should be applied to the Pavilions of the WF in Malchin. The date will be communicated. If you want to join the preliminary research we recommend to sign up for the STEG Paludi Prototype too.
You will be mixed during the construction week with a group of TU Munich students guided by Atelier Fanelsa.
in collaboration with Atelier Fanelsa, TU Munich, Greifswald Moorzentrum and bauhaus earth
A campsite closeby Gut Schwarpzow Scharpzower Dorfstraße 19, 17139 Malchin, Germany and food for meals is provided and will be placed close to the site and shared with the TU Munich students group. You can either camp or stay in a guest family. Travel to and from Malchin has to be organised by the students themselves, therefor we suggest to book trains in advance to avoid high prices.
We are very happy to have the chance to build those 3 small pavilions with you and hope to find a motivated group of Aachen students for these construction weeks with our partners!pavilions with you and hope to find a motivated group of Aachen students for these construction weeks with our partners!
Total estimation of costs: 200 euro (travel and accommodation self-organized)
Food: organised by the Wasserwerk organization
Location: “Altes Wasserwerk” site in Malchin, Turnpl. 12, 17139 Malchin, Germany
kick-off: Wednesday 16th April, hour will be communicated
The course type is a seminar within the „Wahlmodul Master“ with 3 CP (corresponding to around 90 hours of workload for the students (contact + self-study) for max. 15 students.
Wetlands and Construction: An opportunity for Berlin-Brandenburg, 2023